The Borager is a word I made up:

Borage is a flower. A star shaped flower—a 5-pointed star…a pentagram.

Pentacles in tarot represent the earth and all earthly things: our objects, our materials, our valuables, our garbage…talismans, tokens, collections, obsessions.

Ranger? Forager? Maker? Assembler? the activation of a verb to a noun creating an identity or else a thing to call oneself when doing something.

So out of this string of thoughts that felt connected to my habits of art and habits of indulging came the Borager.

My name is Sarah King and I make things to sell or share and I host workshops to teach and help folks join in connecting with objects and making.

I grew up in Kansas and now live in Easthampton, MA.

I take commissions for drawings and maybe one day quilts but am still formalizing that process.

This photo felt cool—but my hair is layered and shorter now. I will update this with more words on my process but for now this feels good.